Connections Shelter was open for 164 days
178 guests used the shelter
102 Men
45 women
31 children
The average stay was 21 days
Minimum was 1 day
Max was 150 days
Median 6.5
Total of 3,653 days= a decade for one person!
⅓ of guests stayed at the shelter for 3 days or less
58% stayed for 10 days or less
1 in 4 relied on the shelter for more than 30 days
⅓ (60 guests) left the shelter for more stable housing. (This number reflects guests we were able to follow after leaving the shelter)
Over 350 people volunteered for the shelter season and we had 5 staff
Served meals on 170 days including days we stayed open longer for weather issues. That’s over 4,000 meals for the season!
The shelter reached capacity (25) after the first 3 weeks of being open.
Many nights we went over capacity (maxing out at 34)
We turned people away weekly
Calls to Public Safety were minimal- most often resulting from medical needs.
6 churches began the season, we added two more mid-season
Funding for a day shelter
Recruiting 4 more churches
Looking towards a permanent shelter
